Save the Date for The Cronin Family Reunion in Arizona
Tuesday July 20th 2010 until Saturday July 24th 2010

This blog will be where you can come over the next several months to get the latest and greatest information for the reunion.
Please email Heather Stutts Miner at with any additions you may have for the blog.
Also, PLEASE COMMENT on the posts so we can have feedback from you!
ALL communication other than items specifically stated in a post should come through the blog so we can all be on the same page and make the planning process as smooth as can be!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Update & Tips

It has been asked if children were a lower price than adults for the reunion. Cindy called and talked to Tenny Ranch and determined that the price could be lowered a bit, but they informed her that they had to raise the price of the lodging $1.00 per person per day due to the abnormally high price for propane.

Here is the new pricing as of September 1st 2009. This may still change a little as we get closer to the February date depending on various factors that will be put in place by that time.

Price per person ages 4 and up $64.00 ($16.00 a day)
Price per person ages 3 and under $48.00 ($12.00 a day)

So the amount due by October per adult is $32.00 and the price due per child 3 and under is $24.00. This seems very manageable even in these tough economic times.

Here are some great ideas on little things that can be done to save a few bucks here and there to help you save for the first payment!

  • Find a local thrift bakery to purchase bread, often times it can be as inexpensive as .50 cents a loaf.
  • Drink less soda throughout the week, it adds up fast! Especially at a restaurant, they are upwards of $2.00... you can get a 2 liter for half that typically.
  • Skip out on the newest CD, Podcast or movie download for your IPOD.
  • Brown bag it a couple of times more a week.
  • Instead of going to a sit down restaurant on date night where you have to pay a tip, head to a quick service restaurant instead. They often times bring the food to your table but no tip is required.
  • Rent a movie from Redbox instead of purchasing pricey movie tickets.
  • Have a girls night and paint each others toes instead of paying to go to a nail salon where it costs around $25.00 on the low side for a pedicure... my sisters, Mom & I did this last weekend, it was great... and FREE!
  • Make your own ice cream bar at home, purchase ice cream, candy & toppings on sale and watch the pennies add up, I'm sure everyone's seen the new Walmart commercial advertising this very thing, they claim it will save over $200.00 a year verses going to a Cold Stone type establishment.
  • Carpool... and it's environmentally friendly.
  • Buy in bulk. If you don't have a membership to Costco or Sams club see about going with a friend or family member.
  • Use coupons when eating out more- there are some coupon books that have buy one get one free coupons for meals, it's a great way to conserve, who doesn't like free food?!
  • Do new creative activities with your kids at home instead of going out with them.
  • Be creative with your exercise habits to save on paying for a gym membership. There are typically Mom's groups that have regular exercise outings, WII Fit offers some great training and even those old fashion work out videos you can check out at the Library.
  • You can also check out DVD's from your local library. They are completly free!
  • Use will power.
  • Create your own 100 calorie packs for snacks by buying in bulk and dividing it up into baggies.
  • If you like to shop, don't go into stores. I myself love to go to the craft store, but I know that any time I go I'll want to get a new inspiration to work with, so I just don't go. Or if I HAVE to get something, I take my husband so I won't get sucked into "looking"!
  • Skip out on going to the scrapbook store for a crop night, just do one from home and have everyone bring their tools and ideas to share.
Hopefully these are a few things that help you and get you thinking about ways to be a little more frugal. We really would love to have the entire family together at our reunions and know that money is tight, for most of us so hopefully we can all support each other and work together to make our next reunion a success!

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